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Studying how to treat connective tissue was very impactful for BrendaLee as a therapist. While massage therapy focuses on the connective tissue inside our muscles, called our myofascia, other types of modalities allow us to better focus on the tissue outside of the muscles.


Having taken numerous courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation allowed BrendaLee to target different layers of tissues and in various places, potential restrictions may be, such as in and around our organs and belly, or the connective tissue that supports our joints and spine.


Treatments like this can be helpful for anyone that has had a physical injury or surgery, releasing deep restrictions and scar tissue inside the body.


These courses have also given BrendaLee training to work with the jaw and our Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) and to perform intra-oral mouth work. This type of sessio is especially helpful for people who have suffered head/mouth trauma, people with headaches, and those that clench their jaw at night. This area of the body also holds a lot of emotion, such as stress, and can be an impactful treatment towards better health.


The link between our physical and mental health has become clear to me over the years. My research into chronic pain taught me about how our nervous system and bodies can hold onto trauma and emotions. And now, my studies in Bodynamics, a form of body-oriented psychotherapy, has been teaching her about the links between our physical body and psychological functioning.


Through courses in massage and connective tissue, she has come to study Somatic Emotional Release. This profound work helps in a multitude of ways and the process is unique to each person and their individual context. 


If our brains are the computer, then our bodies are the keyboard. This back & forth relationship of information sharing is what's focused on doing somatic emotional release and Bodynamics Therapy.


Her training in Bodynamics started in 2018 and began with a year-long program studying child development and the links between our physical development to our psycho-emotional development. Then in 2021, BrendaLee began her 3-year program to become a Bodynamics Practitioner. This therapy allows one to use their body as a tangible tool in doing therapy, making therapy more effective. Creating functional and long-lasting outcomes.

Holding Hands
Back Massage


At Attuned Wellness, we provide massage therapy for injury & pain management and for ongoing maintenance and general health.


Brenda studied Massage Therapy at Grant MacEwan and graduated in 2006.​ Over the years, she has taken many continuing education courses, including Functional Anatomy, where an in-depth look at anatomy is taken while adding movement and applying treatment techniques.


Another course, Soft Tissue Release, teaches one to sense tissue response while applying techniques. These palpation skills allow for heightened awareness of how the body is reacting to treatment and how to follow a pattern of restriction throughout the body.


The most rewarding part of our job is hearing about how we’ve helped our patients live happier, more comfortable lives. See what our patients have to say about their experiences with Attuned Wellness.

"I have been seeing BrendaLee for the past 10 years following a motor vehicle accident. She truly knows how to put “therapeutic” into a therapeutic massage. She has consistently realigned my back, hips and shoulders. Also, as a retired nurse I appreciate the explanations and purposes of her techniques in anatomical language. "

- Marjolyn A.

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